A mom and her son (about ten years old) are in Jingle and Croon’s apartment. Croon is sitting at an electric piano on a stand. Mom: Braxlyn doesn’t want to take piano lessons anymore. He’s decided he hates the instrument. Braxlyn: I hate it. Croon: That’s fine, it’s not for everyone. He can go home, I won’t bill you for coming in today. Mom: No, he’ll take one last lesson. I have an oil change booked. Croon: Very well. ---> Croon: Well, I was going to have you work on the Venetian Gondolier’s Song, but I assume you’re not doing the recital. Braxlyn: Right. Croon: What would be useful to you? What do you want the last thing you learn about piano to be? Braxlyn: I guess I’d like to learn how to disassemble the piano and put it away. Croon: All right, see this? This is the power supply. You unplug it from the wall, and then unplug it from here. Braxlyn: I see. Croon: Then this stand folds up like this. You can ignore this step if you have a different kind… Croon: If you still have the box it came in, you can put it back in the box. Otherwise you could stand it against a wall in a closet or attic. Braxlyn: What if I want to throw it in the trash? Croon: Maybe try a tall kitchen wastebasket like this one. Braxlyn: Show me how. Croon: I’m sure you know how to put something in the trash. Braxlyn: I don’t! Croon: All right, you set it in there, like this. Braxlyn: And then do you take the trash out to the garbage can outside? Croon: Bingo. Braxlyn: Show me! Croon looks a little bit exasperated. ---> Croon has placed the piano in a big green garbage can by the road. Croon: …And then after you set it in the garbage can, you leave it there. Any questions? Braxlyn: No. (Croon starts removing her piano from the garbage can.) Croon: All right, that’s the whole lesson. Braxlyn: Wait! Leave it there! I want to see how to leave it! Croon looks sidelong at something off-panel. We see a garbage truck approaching on the street. Croon: There’s no trick to it, you just don’t take it out. You go do something else. Croon is taking the piano out again. Braxlyn: No! Wait! Leave it! You’re confusing me! I’m trying to learn! We see Croon looking sidelong again at the garbage truck, looking uncomfortable. It’s getting closer.